Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Manhattan News: Diaz endorses Thompson

Manhattan News: Diaz endorses Thompson: 100 PERCENT By Robert Press         BRONX, NEW YORK, May 7- While the Bronx Week Kick Off was on Monday May 6 th ,...

Diaz endorses Thompson

By Robert Press
BRONX, NEW YORK, May 7- While the Bronx Week Kick Off was on Monday May 6th, on Tuesday May 7th BP Diaz was on the steps of City Hall to endorse his longtime friend Bill Thompson in the upcoming Democratic primary for mayor. In explaining why he chose to endorse Thompson, Bronx BP Ruben Diaz Jr. said that he had spoken to all the major Democratic candidates, and that in the past Comptroller Thompson has helped the Bronx.
Four years ago when many people were on the fence to support Thompson, he (Diaz) had no problem supporting Thompson for mayor then and again now. Thompson thanked Diaz Jr. for his endorsement, and said that he hopes it is the beginning of many more import endorsements to come. Mayoral candidate Bill Thompson is proud to also have the endorsement of Bronx Congressman Jose Serrano, and his son State Senator Jose M. Serrano.
Speaking of the mayor’s race, while all of the candidates may not have showed up at the West Bronx Green Political Education Forum held in Riverdale, the Democratic candidates will have another chance when the Ben Franklin Democratic Club will host a Democratic Mayoral Forum on Thursday May 23rd at the Riverdale Temple. Mayoral candidate John Liu said that it was a sad day for his two former campaign workers who were found guilty of “Straw Donations”, but that he has done nothing wrong. Liu added that his campaign for mayor is going full steam ahead despite the minor set back.
15th City Council candidate Ms. Cynthia Tompkins is having a fundraiser tonight May 9th from 6 – 9 p.m. at the Clock Cafe located at 112 Lincoln Avenue off of Bruckner Blvd. No official word yet on the other candidates in the 15th council race, but we should find out more next week when the May 15th Campaign fillings are due. The open 86th A.D. seat that was vacated by for Assemblyman Nelson Castro will be held as part of the September primary and then the November General Election. It appears that former 86th A.D. candidate Hector Ramirez will be running for the vacant 86th A.D. seat, and so could a Soto, Richard or brother Mike who started the whole mess with Nelson Castro by challenging Castro on petition fraud. Yudelka Tapia is expected to get into that one also, and she has to be considered the front runner.
Saturday May 11th is the “Fair at the Square” at Westchester Square. The event begins at 11a.m.. May is the month for “Its My Park Days”, which are spread throughout the month of may in various Bronx Parks. You can go to my blog to see just which park has been chosen in what area to be cleaned, spruced up, or get a hard days work by the volunteers that show up.
If you have any comments about this column or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on my blog you can e-mail us at 100percentbronxnews@ggmail.com or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Manhattan News: Buying City Hall

Manhattan News: Buying City Hall: Bx. GOP chair among those charged in attempt to buy mayoral race By Robert Press BRONX, NEW YORK, April 3- In a six count ind...

Buying City Hall

Bx. GOP chair among those charged in attempt to buy mayoral race
By Robert Press
BRONX, NEW YORK, April 3- In a six count indictment released by the United States Attorney, State Senator Malcolm Smith, Queens Councilman Dan Halloran, Bronx County Republican Leader Joseph Savino, and Queens county Republican Vice-Chair Vincent Tabone were arrested for attempting to fix the Republican candidate choice in the upcoming mayors race in New York City by defrauding the public. Also as part of the indictment the mayor and deputy mayor of Spring Valley were arrested for their alleged part in a scheme with Senator Smith to defraud New York State on a contract Smith was to have approved with the officials for a Spring Valley road.
Starting from about November 2012 the complaint states that Smith, Hallogan, Savino, and Tabone (together with others known and unknown) willfully and knowingly did combine, conspire, confederate, and agree together with each other to commit offenses against the United States, to wit, wire fraud and bribery in violation of Title 18, United States
code, sections 1343, 1346, and 1952.
Undercover FBI agent (Thomas Holmes) posing as a wealthy real estate developer and an unidentified cooperating witness met with Smith to bribe leaders of the Republican Party County Committee to obtain certificates of authorization called Wilson Pakula certificates
allowing Smith to run as a Republican candidate for mayor of New York City even though Smith was a registered Democrat. It is then alleged that Queens Councilman Dan Halloran met with the pair to negotiate the amount of bribes to Savino and Tabone for the Wilson Pakula certificates, and Halloran was given $20,500 for his services.
According to the indictment, Smith agreed to use his official position to obtain New York State funds for the Spring Valley Project. Savino met the undercover agent in a Manhattan restaurant and allegedly accepted $15,000 in cash in the undercover agent’s car. Tabone met the UC in a Manhattan restaurant and allegedly accepted $25,000 in cash in the undercover agent’s car. Also in February Smith suggested that the undercover agent and the state senator representing the Spring Valley area meet concerning the funding for the Spring Valley project.
In March, telephone and text messages continued between the undercover agent, a witness, Smith, and Halloran as to the status of the Wilson Pakulas. Smith is quoted as saying, “Before any committee leader receives a nickel more (he'd) have to stand on the Empire State Building and drop every person (he) endorsed, and hold Malcolm up and
say he's the best thing since sliced bread”. “Matter of fact, he's better than sliced bread”.
FBI New York Assistant Director in Charge George Venizelos made the following comments on the arrests of New York State Senator Malcolm Smith, New York City Council Member Daniel Halloran, and others: “Elected officials are called public servants because they are supposed to serve the people. Public service is not supposed to be a shortcut to self-enrichment. People in New York, in Spring Valley—in any city or town in this country—rightly expect their elected or appointed representatives to hold themselves to a higher standard. At the very least, public officials should obey the law. As alleged, these defendants did not obey the law; they broke the law and the public trust. There is a price to pay for that kind of betrayal.”

Monday, April 1, 2013

Manhattan News: Easter Bonnet Festival

Manhattan News: Easter Bonnet Festival: (Photos by Seitu Oronde) New Yorkers showed off their unique creations during the annual Easter Bonnet festival in Manhattan. S...

Easter Bonnet Festival

(Photos by Seitu Oronde)
New Yorkers showed off their unique creations during the annual Easter Bonnet festival in Manhattan. Some of the more unique designs were made by Bronxites using MetroCards.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Manhattan News: Happy St. Paddy's Day

Manhattan News: Happy St. Paddy's Day: (Photos by Seitu Oronde) BRONX, NEW YORK, March 17- All of New York was Irish for a day during the annual St. Patrick’s Day ...