Saturday, July 14, 2012

Yanks Clip Angels’ Wings

Yankees start second half with win over Angels

(Photo by Gary Quintal)
By Rich Mancuso
BRONX, NEW YORK, July 14- Mark Teixeira said the four-day hiatus this week for the all-Star break was what he may have needed, and the New York Yankees know the rest did him well. He hit two home runs Friday evening in the Bronx that enabled New York to open the second half of the season with a come from behind 6-5 win over the Los Angeles Angels.
Teixeira hit a two-run homer in the eighth inning to left field and catcher Russell Martin fighting out of a slump, hit a two-out single that overcame the Angels 5-2 lead.
“I had a good batting practice today and the extra energy,” commented Teixeira who recorded his 36th career multi-home run game, now with 17 on the season. He also drove in five runs for the third time.
Teixeira commented, “It’s a new start. The first half really doesn’t mean anything.” In essence the first half did mean something as the Yankees opened the second half with a seven- game lead over the Baltimore Orioles in the American League east.
The Yankees won their second straight and fifth in their last six games. The win, first of three games with the Angels, was the start of a six-game home stand that will continue with Toronto.
“Sure the break helped him physically,” said Yankees manager Joe Girardi about Teixeira. “New York, at 53-33 went a season high 20-games over .500 with the best record in baseball.
Prior to the second home run by Teixeira, the Angels’ Mark Trumbo hit his team leading 23rd home run giving them a 4-2 lead. It was the 15th home run this year by Trumbo that has tied a game or given the Angels the lead, and his fifth straight game against the Yankees with a home run.
“We set the table for him and he got a big hit at the time and just missed another one,” said Angels’ manager Mike Scioscia. Nick Swisher robbed Trumbo of another home run when he leaped and got the out, a ball that looked like it was clearing the outfield wall in right, in the Angels eighth inning.
C.J Wilson pitched seven solid innings until Scott Downs (1-1) imploded for the Angels in an inning that started with a Derek Jeter double and a walk to Curtis Granderson.
Hiroki Kuroda did not figure in the decision for the Yankees after throwing six innings and giving up two home runs. Chad Qualls (1-0) got his first win for New York and Rafael Soriano recorded his 21st save in 22 chances.
Martin, hoping for a better second half got it off to a good start. He drove in the game winning run in the eighth inning and also nailed two Angels on the base paths.
His throw to Jeter at second, with two outs in the ninth, nailed Howie Kendrick, the tying run to end the game.
 “Three guys out, the game winning hit,” said Girardi who added the game by Martin was important for him. Martin ended a, 0-for-30 slump last Saturday at Boston before the break.
Freddy Garcia (3-2) gets the start for New York Saturday afternoon.
e-mail Rich Mancuso:

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Hunt for Commuter Rapist

Man rapes tourist in her hotel room

By Dan Gesslein
BRONX, NEW YORK, July 12- Cops are on the hunt for a rapist who attacked a tourist in her Bronx hotel room. Investigators say the sex fiend targeted his victim while they were riding on a Bronx-bound subway car. 
On July 11, cops say the victim had engaged the suspect while on a Bronx-bound subway train at East 14th and Union Square. According to published reports the 33-year-old woman had asked the man for directions in the Bronx. He told her he was going the same way and they had a conversation. 
At her hotel room at around 4 a.m., the woman heard a knock on her door. Once she opened the door, the man pushed his way inside the room and raped her. 
Police released surveillance video taken from within the hallway of the hotel. On the tape the suspect is seen wearing a Chicago Bulls cap, white T-shirt and red shorts. He has a tattoo of the name "Tiffany" on the inside of the left forearm and a tattoo of a scorpion and the name "Ivan" on his right shoulder/biceps.
Anyone with information is urged to call CRIMESTOPPERS at (800) 577-TIPS. The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime stoppers website at WWW.NYPDCRIMESTOPPERS.COM or by texting their tips to 274637 (CRIMES) then enter TIP577. All calls are confidential. 

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Monday, July 9, 2012

Espaillat makes it Official


By Robert Press
BRONX, NEW YORK, July 9- State Senator Adriano Espaillat held a press conference to announce that he will abide by the Board of Elections results of the June 26th Democratic primary results for the 13th Congressional District that have him coming in a close second to Charlie Rangel. 
Espaillat said that the official margin of victory (953) was still greater then he felt could be overcome in court. He said that other organizations will continue the fight about how fair this race was and that he hopes change comes about at the Board of Elections for a better system. As for running for his old state senate seat, Espaillat said that a decision will come about in a few days, but we are sure that he will run for his old state senate seat in September.
Mayor Bloomberg has blasted the Board of Elections as have many others on the new system of voting, with Bloomberg saying, “It is the most corruptible system in the world.”
Board of Elections Republican Commissioner J.C. Polanco has fired back saying, “Senator Espaillat's team should apologize not only to the commissioners, but to the hard working employees of the Board of Elections.”
Polanco was also angered at Daily News columnist Juan Gonzalez for his story that Deputy Chief Clerk for the Manhattan Board of Elections (and the person supervising the count in the Manhattan portion of the congressional district) Timothy Gay had met with key Rangel supporters and district leaders three days before the election. When asked Gay said that he attended on his own time, and attended the meeting at the request of the Manhattan Democratic County Leader Keith Wright to provide his district leaders with lists of Democratic poll workers and to discuss general election matters in general. Gonzalez goes on about other problems that happened including the lists of poll workers district leaders loyal to Espaillat being virtually ignored, and much less Spanish translators at voter sign in tables.
Staying on the September primary, 87th A.D. candidate Luis Sepulveda will be having a fundraiser on Saturday July 21st hosted by Mr. David Rodriguez starting at 7 PM till midnight at 175 Walnut Avenue. For more information and to RSVP you can call 917-560-6137, or e-mail
Petitions are being handed in as you read this for State Assembly and State Senate, as are “General Objections” to some of those petitions. Specifications to those objections will be due in a few days later and the Board of Elections will hear from both sides and decide just who will get to be on the September primary ballot. 
We spoke to Mr. Mike Nieves currently working on the Charlie Rangel campaign and at the Bronx Board of Elections for the count of the affidavit and absentee ballots who told us that his next job will be to knock off the challenger to Bronx Assemblyman Jose Rivera, that being Rivera's current 78th State Committeeman and Chairman of the Committee of 100 Democrats Mr. Richardo “Ricky” Martinez. Mr. Martinez is running this year as Assemblyman Rivera has redistricted his son Councilman Joel Rivera into the 78th A.D. We have been told that Rivera's idea is to pass down the assembly seat like a monarchy when his son Joel is term limited out of a job in 2013.
Don't forget to check my blog at for the latest breaking news on the petitioning for the September primary, and any other items that may occur after our deadline or that we didn't have space for in this column.
If you have any comments about this column or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on my blog you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.

Friday, July 6, 2012


NEW YORK, June 6 – Another burst of hot weather looms this weekend, and Con Edison is reminding customers about the best ways to stay cool and save money while doing it.
Saving on your electric bill is easy if you follow Con Edison’s energy-saving tips:
Turn off air conditioners, lights, and other appliances before leaving home. Use a timer to have your air conditioner turn on shortly before you are scheduled to arrive home; 
Make sure air conditioner filters are clean so the machines will run at peak efficiency;
Set thermostats no lower than 78 degrees. Each degree lower increases cooling costs by 6 percent;
If you have a room air-conditioning unit, close off the rooms not being used; if you have central air, block vents in unused or vacant rooms;
To reduce heat and moisture in your apartment or home, run appliances such as ovens, washing machines, dryers and dishwashers in the early morning or late at night when it’s generally cooler outside. Use a microwave to cook, or barbecue outside, if possible;
Keep shades, blinds and curtains closed. About 40 percent of unwanted heat comes through windows. Simply drawing blinds and curtains, which act as a layer of insulation, can reduce heat in your apartment or home, and,
Try using fans instead of air conditioners, but be sure to leave your windows open for ventilation. Fans use as little as one-tenth the energy as air conditioners.
Con Edison also urges customers with central air conditioning to accept the company’s offer of a free programmable thermostat for homeowners, religious institutions and small businesses. The thermostat can be programmed manually or from the internet. To learn more, call 1-866-521-8600 or visit
The company also reminds customers that $25 rebates are available for customers who invest in cost-cutting Energy Star-rated room air conditioners.  Applications for the $25 rebate can be downloaded at
Con Edison has invested $1.2 billion for system improvements this year, including $928 million for cables, transformers, and network protectors, $34 million for transmission upgrades, and $208 million on new substation installations and related equipment. (See for details.)
Despite that, sustained hot weather sometimes triggers service problems or power interruptions. If that occurs, customers can report them, and also view any service restoration information, either online at, on their cell phones, or on their PDAs.  Customers also may call Con Edison at 1-800-75-CONED (1-800-752-6633). 
When reporting an outage, customers should have their Con Edison account number available, if possible, and report whether their neighbors also have lost power. Customers who report outages will be called by Con Edison with their estimated restoration times as they become available.
Energy-savings tips are also available on Facebook at Power of Green, on Twitter @ConEdSara and by downloading the company’s Power of Green iPhone app.
Con Edison’s Green Team continues to offer a host of energy-savings programs for homes and businesses. Customers can take steps to reduce energy usage this summer with rebates and incentives now available for energy-efficient appliances and cooling systems in their homes and businesses. To learn more or enroll, go to  or call 1-877-870-6118.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Calling All Choirs

NEW YORK, NEW YORK, July 5- The Pathmark Gospel choir competition is back and better than before! 
Does your church, school or community choir have what it takes to compete? All gospel singing groups are invited to audition and compete in the 12th Annual Pathmark Gospel Competition for over $10,000 worth of prizes. 
This year the historic contest takes place on Saturday, July 21, at the Apollo Theater in Harlem, NY. Entries are on a first-come, first-serve basis, so sign your choir up quickly.
For more information or to register for the competition, please visit

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Strike Heats Up

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Workers Protest Con Ed Lockout

(Photos by David Greene)
By David Greene
BRONX, NEW YORK, July 3- More than 8,500 union employees of Consolidated Edison were locked out at plants across the city, as contract negotiations broke down after a midnight deadline on June 30.
The workers, who repair and maintain the electric power grid that keeps our computers, televisions and air-conditioners running are now picketing outside plants across the city, as some 5,000 managers are now performing the emergency repairs needed to keep the power flowing.
One worker outside the Van Nest plant, that employed about 500
workers, claimed workers were fighting for maintaining their pension and medical benefits that he claimed management wanted to eliminate completely.
The worker, who would only give his first name, "Henry," continued, "They want to eliminate our benefits completely, so that's one of the sticking points."
Henry claimed that management wanted to change the federal mandate of the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), allowing injured workers to be fired when the compensation runs out, explaining, "They want to fire your ass when your FMLA is over."
"It's going to be a very hot summer for the people of New York," Henry continued, "Management can't do the job that we do. They can supervise the job, but the qualified people are the people in the field and with 8,500 less people, there's no way they can handle the job."
Members of Local 1-2 of the Utility Workers Union of America claim that Con Edison CEO Craig Ivy was brought in from Virginia two-years ago after cutting benefits to union worker's in that state.
One Van Nest resident stated, "It's about time for the unions to start showing some muscle. The company is obviously making a lot of people money, let’s be honest. New York State and New York City residents pay a lot of money for something that everybody else gets for half-price or less. I don't think these guys are getting the money, but the shareholder's and the CEO are."
According to Con Edison's website, "All company personnel have been preparing for the possibility of a union work stoppage for months."
Con Edison's walk-in payment centers are now closed and normal meter readings have also been suspended for the immediate future.
Both the offices of Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Governor Andrew Cuomo continue to monitor the situation.
Con Edison currently serves 3.2 million customers that represent
nearly 9 million people in the New York City's five boroughs and Westchester County.
Workers at Con Edison last went on strike in the summer of 1983, when the company had 16,500 workers. That strike lasted nine-weeks.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Yanks Honor Old Timers with Win Over Sox

By Howard Goldin

BRONX, NEW YORK, July 2- The Yankees and their fans
celebrated and commemorated the organization’s glorious history at the 66th annual
Old Timers’ Day on Sunday afternoon. Yankee heroes from the past 65 years were
on the field prior to the regularly scheduled game between the Yankees and
Chicago White Sox.

After the introduction of the more than four dozen former
Yankees and the widows of Elston Howard, Catfish Hunter, Bilrly Martin, Thurman
Munson and Bobby Murcer, the former players took part in a two inning
The annual festivities entertained those in attendance and brought back
heartfelt memories to several generations of Yankees fans.

The continuity between the generations of Yankees players
remains to the present as the current Yankees and those of the past meet and
get to know one another at the yearly ceremony.

At 2:07 pm, the scheduled contest began, Yankees starter
Phil Hughes gave up two runs in the first inning as singles by Kevin Youkilis
and Alex Rios each drove in a run.

Those two were the only runs scored by the Sox on Sunday.
Hughes blanked Chicago during the seven other innings he pitched. He
surrendered only six hits and one walk while fanning seven during his stint on
the mound.

Manager Joe Girardi was especially pleased by the
performance of Hughes in such an unbearably hot and humid day,
thought he made some mistakes with location [in the first] and then he was able
to make some adjustments. He was effective all day. To pitch eight innings on
this kind of day is amazing.

The win was the eighth for Hughes in his last ten

The long ball by the Yankees hitters, as it has throughout
2012, made an immediate impact. Raúl Ibañez led off the second with a single
and scored on a two-run homer by Eric Chavez, at third base in place of Alex
Rodriguez. The four-bagger tied the game at two.

Another two-run homer, this hit by Robinson Cano on a 3-2
count in the third put the Yankees ahead, 4-2.

The homer was Cano’s ninth in his last 14 games. The
Yankees second sacker has driven in at least one run in each of his last 11
games against Chicago.

Cano was one of four Yankees named to the American League
All-Star Team on Sunday. He will start at second, Derek Jeter will start at
shortstop and Curtis Granderson will start in the outfield and CC Sabathia will
be on the pitching staff.

The first place Yanks now embark on a seven game
pre-All-Star game road trip, three games in Tampa and four games in Boston.

(Photos by Gary Quintal)
Paulie’s Back in Pinstripes: Yankee legends braved the heat and returned to the Bronx to be a part of Old Timer’s Day.